What to include in a birthing kit

Are you ready for the newborns?

Have you got your birthing kit set up yet? The best ones contain:

  • Paper towels and a bag of old towels
  • A big rubbish bag, for anything you need to discard
  • A headlamp or torch; headlamps are better because then you have two hands free
  • Sharp scissors, for trimming the cords
  • Betadine soap, for washing your hands and arms
  • Long gloves – vet clinics can supply disposable gloves that go right up your arm, important to keep infection out
  • Lubricant, in case you need to assist with a birth
  • Iodine, for dipping the cord, and a small container to hold it (an old film canister is a good size)
  • Bottle and nipple, for a calf, lamb or kid, in case you need to milk colostrum off the mother and feed the kid
  • Ketol or Ketol Xtra (glucose products), for a mother that is not eating
  • Bearing retainer (if you think you can put a bearing back in a mother)
  • Calving chain/rope and handle
  • Thermal blanket
  • Tube and/or syringe, in case the kid can’t feed
  • Thermometer (shake before use)
  • An electric blanket to wrap any cold/wet lambs, kids or calves in (one you don't mind getting dirty!). This is much better than the old method of running a bath of warm water as the baby doesn't get wet, it's easier to hold multiple young ones, and you can regulate the temperature.
  • The phone number of an experienced farmer, neighbour and/or your vet, in case you need advice or help.